Friday, July 9, 2010

He is Timeless

Today, I worked.. then came home for a few minutes before deciding that for once I wasn't going to make plans just because it's Friday. So, thinking about how I was going to spend my now available ME time.. I found myself driving to Barns & Noble. If you know me well enough this is like a favorite pass time of mine. I always spend my me time doing one of three things: going for long walks/jogs, reading in a place I know I don't typically run into friends, or I will going on a sporadic cleaning spree. All random but not unusual for me. I already knew when I got there exactly what I was going to pick up and spend the next few hours reading. I grabbed it, nabbed a cozy seat and flipped it open.

The book is called The Journals of Jim Elliot, yes if you read my last post you will quickly realize that Jim is the late husband of Elisabeth. Again, if you don't know who they are -- google them. Anyway, it's around 500 pages of his journals from his college years till his late twenties when he died. He was a holy man in his singlehood, a rightuous man in his marriage and noble man as he became a martyr by his death in the mission field. I absolutely love his and Elisabeth's story and reading it brings hope to anyone seeking the kingdom, willing to entrust their lives in the Lord's hands.

I've never been one to necessarily enjoy reading poetry but over time I've grown an appreciation for old english. Here is a poem that Jim had in one of his entries. I loved it.

"Say not my soul, 'from whence
Can God relieve my care?
Remember that omnipotence
Has servents everywhere.

God's help is always sure,
His method seldom guessed;
Delay will make our pleasure pure,
Surprise will give it zest.

His wisdom is sublime
His heart profoundly kind;
God is never before His time,
And is never behind.

Hast thou assumed a load,
Which few will share with thee,
And art thou carrying it for God,
And shall He fail to see?

Be comforted at heart,
Thou art not left alone
Now thou the Lord's companion art,
Soon thou shalt share His throne."
-Thomas T. Lynch

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