Wednesday, September 29, 2010

cabin fever at work

I am supposed to be writing a paper right now for one of my social work classes, but I just can't get into it. It's even an interesting topic. I think I need to go running or jogging or something. I am about to go crazy sitting in front of this screen, but I'm at work and I cannot vacate the premises for another 30 minutes. So, here I am, telling you about it so you can finish reading this and feel like you have not gained any wisdom or knowledge or fun quotes. Yep, it's been decided. I will go for a run when I get off. Gosh it is going to feel awesome, why? Because it feel AWESOME outside. This is officially my favorite time of year. Summer is a close second, but my air conditioning went out this summer in my car and didn't get fixed till about 4 weeks ago, so summer lost it's number one position after a near death experience of extreme temperatures in my car. No, I didn't really almost die, but it was not a pleasant experience to say the least. You are getting to see my sarcastic side. I don't usually write as sarcastically as I speak, which is kind of strange I guess. You probably thought I was a whole lot nicer than I really am and.... I am nice... Just not one of those always perky perfectly nice people. I have a personality and from time to time (like every day) I can get brutally honest, like right now. Why can't I write this quickly when I write my papers? It's like the word school gives me an automatic writers block. Ugh. I think the real problem is that I had an unusually large about of Mountain Dew earlier and I'm over caffeinated and bored out of my mind. The two are not a good mix. Okay.. thats it, I'm packing it up and going to stand by the door, at precisely 6:00 P.M. I am peacing out of this joint. I feel like an over excited 5 year old, I seriously need to run this off.

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