Friday, April 9, 2010

Just a Little Nugget

Read this on Christa Black's Blog and had to repost it, even if I'm the only person who reads it, I found it necessary. So enjoy.

"God doesn't look at us and say, 'you deserve a small about of joy today because you haven't been good enough.' He says, 'there are ENDLESS amounts of joy for you, not because of anything you have done to earn it, but because I LOVE TO GIVE IT!'"

Now if that doesn't make you smile and sigh a little than you need to get to know the God I've come to know a little more. This world is all about give and take but Jesus is not. He may have lived in our world but He never chose to partake in it. We do not have to partake either, and yet we chose to take that route knowing that if we do it His way it has the better ending. It took me a long time to learn that I don't HAVE to do it the way the world says or think the way the world thinks. I still find myself forgetting that often, but whether I remember it or not, it is true.

I can think all day that I don't deserve the good things given to me but God always will say "you're crazy, I love you. Please be happy cause it's all I want for you. I don't care what you did, you're forgiven, you're new, all you have to do is come to Me and it is done."

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