Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A green world under gray skies

It's been a rainy week. Day after day I've walked to class across our large campus with that annoying mist hitting my face and that eerie chill spiking the hairs on my arms. The sun seemed no where to be found. Clouds spanned from every direction. Today was no exception. As I traveled back to my car I passed through a football sized parking lot. The asphalt mixed with the shades of gray spanning the sky made me feel like I was walking through life in black and white. I reached the edge of the lot where I would cross a street to a church right off campus (my car was parked right behind it). As I glance right then left I then lifted my eyes forward to the church yard that caught my eyes with it's vibrant shades of green. The grass and bushes were so green they might as well have been glowing compared to the dimness of the rest of the world. It made me smile. "Of course", I thought. It is from being under days of gray skies that brings such lush growth. It is through the rain that things are cleaned, renewed, even born again. Praise God for such days. For there in our dimmest of days God is pruning us for ripeness, cutting off the dead and making us green again.

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