Saturday, December 11, 2010

Happy Family Season

Now that I'm a junior in college, I finally got out of that stage of itching to be on my own. I have basically established myself and don't rely on my parents, which has surprisingly changed how I looked at my parents. When you realize all that they did for you, all that they paid for, all that they hurt for so you could have more, how you feel about them changes. My freshman year I think I went home maybe twice a semester. This Semester alone I've gone home at least twice a month, sometimes more. I miss them. I miss home. I miss family. This is the first Christmas I've actually felt like my family was the most important thing about the Christmas season. I look forward to spending time with my mom and playing tennis with my dad and getting to go to church as a family on Sundays. It's nice to understand what for once what growing up really means. I used to think, "gosh I can't wait to 'grow up' and get out of here." Now, I think "man I'm kind of grown up, I miss being at home."

It's funny how things change.

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