Thursday, December 16, 2010

Yesterday's Why

So, usually when I feel confused or unsure about things, I don't necessarily get an answer back and if I do, it's typically a while down the road, when I have a "ohhh that's why that happened" moment. If you read my other posts lately this will make a lot more sense to you than if you haven't.

Tonight, in the middle of worship I suppose I was somewhere else in my mind. You can call it day dreaming but it was more like a daze. I do it often, but usually I don't think about anything. I began seeing myself locked up in a castle. Not in a dungeon but in a beautiful room with beautiful things. And almost as if we were sitting talking, a warm voice said,

"I've tucked you away for safe keeping. You had gotten too caught in the flow of life that you forgot what it's like to be alone with me and I need you to be here. Right here where I have you. Because it is here that I will whisper how I love you. It is here that I will hold your hand and make you feel holy and make you understand why the world feels like it's moving along without you. You see, I have not made you as a part of this world and I never want you to feel as though you belong in the flow of it. You will always be a rouge wave. I have made you as such. And here, in this time alone with me I will make you ready. I am preparing you. These walls are no longer yours to build, but mine to guard and keep the enemy from you. I am with you always my darling. We will do this together."

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